These Whimsical Molas have all been sold. They are
here for you to enjoy. If you would like one similar to any of these,
let me know and it may be possible that I have the matching pair in my
personal collection or if not I may be able to get you a similar one.
Be sure to click
on the images to see a larger version. It will open in a new window.

Counting "123" Mola Pair
This is a very cute pair of molas that were probably inspired by a
pre-school text book or maybe even a coloring book. They show the numbers
from 1 to 5 , although not in the "best" order!
The top mola shows little animals between the numbers, (a duck, a
serpent, a cat etc..) and the bottom mola has hearts and flowers.
They are very nicely made in the reverse-applique technique. The numbers
are outlined in the suidi-suidi or "sawtooth" stitch, the figures have
touches of embroidery. Greek-Key pattern elements were used for the background
These are older molas, probably about 12 - 15 years old and are in
very good condition considering the age and the wear. They are slightly
but nicely faded, no rips or stains that I can see. These would look superb
in a child's nursery or playroom.
Dimensions: 17-1/2" x 13-3/4"

Animal Space Ship Flight
This is an excellent pair of molas that show a menagerie of animals
in rocket ships to the moon. Among those aboard are a bull, a parrot,
a dog... on the top mola and a rabbit and an ostrich on the bottom mola!
The design was probably inspired by a storybook or card and it is a wonderful
example of the Kuna women's creativity and sense of humor.
The Kuna artist used a variety of stitches for her creation including
the cut out triangles, tiny cut out circles, embroidery stitches, the
intricate "suidi-suidi" or sawtooth stitch that surrounds the principal
motifs and tiny triangles in a spectrum of colors for the background.
The stitches are tiny and even and the lines are narrow.
They were worn with pride on the blouse of the Kuna artist. The molas
are about 3 - 5 years old and in excellent condition. No rips, stains,
fading or other damage.
Dimensions: 19-1/4 x 14-1/4

"Lonely Eagle"
North American Indian Mola
This is a very intricate mola that shows a design of an Indian, but
not a Kuna Indian, rather their North American counterpart. It may have
been inspired by a picture or movie, or maybe the design was originally
made to commemorate an event of one of the American Indian tribes. The
words "Aguila Solitaria" which is probably the name of the Indian means
Lonely Eagle. The wings give the impression that the Indian has come from
another world.
The design is at least fifteen years old, according to the Kuna that
made it, she copied the design from her aunt. The molas are a lot newer,
between three and five years.
The workmanship is extraordinary. The Kuna woman used very small and
even stitches and narrow lines. Look at how narrow the sawtooth, or "suida-suida"
stitch is. The background, with all the little "X's"in so many colors
is extraordinary, and the embroidery details are excellent.
The molas are in excellent condition.
Extraordinary Crab Mola
This is a wonderful mola that shows a very detailed crab. On the top
of its shell is what resembles an apocalyptic figure of a man on horseback
blowing a horn.
The mola is fabulously made in the reverse applique technique. For
the background, the Kuna artist used tiny cut out squares in a variety
of colors. To enhance the design she used embroidery stitches as well
as strips of appliqued fabric.
The workmanship is excellent. Very small and even. The lines are narrow
and straight. It is about 10 years old and in very good condition. No
rips or tears. It is slightly but nicely faded.
Dimensions: 17" x 14-1/4"

Coffee Break! Whimsical Mola Pair
This is a great pair of large molas that depict a very ornate coffee
pot and sugar bowl. The Coffee pot is decorated with a cute little cat
and fish, while the sugar bowl has a little lamb and also a fish. They
are surrounded by pretty leaves and tiny colored triangles in a spectrum
of different colors that the Kuna artist has used for a background filler.
The molas are very well made, in the reverse applique technique. The
main motifs are surrounded in a double suidi-suidi or sawtooth stitch
which is very intricate and time consuming. She has added pretty applications
and touches of embroidery to enhance her design.
The top layer of the mola is maroon and the bottom is navy blue. Between
these two main layers she added many smaller swatches of fabric in different
colors for added contrast. The stitching is tiny and even and the lines
(spaces) are narrow and straight. The workmanship is excellent and the
design is delightful.
The molas are appproximately eight years old and in very good condition.
The colors are still very nice and bright and they don't show signs of
excessive wear. No rips or tears or stains.
Dimensions: 18-3/4" x 15-1/4"

Great Bats! Mola Pair
This is a wonderful pair of older whimsical bats (or could they be
owls?) they are wearing a pair of glasses to find their way as they fly
thru the night. A wonderful example of the sense of humor that characterizes
the Kuna women.
The workmanship is excellent. The molas were made with small even
stitches and nicely embroidered to enhance the faces and add details to
the wings and bodies of the bats. The background is filled with little
colored triangles adding liveliness to the designs.
The molas are approximately 8 - 10 years. They are in excellent condition
but soft from the washings and slightly but nicely faded from the San
Blas sun. They were worn with pride on the blouse of the Kuna artist that
made them.
Dimensions: 16-3/4" x 13-3/4"

Beautiful Fish in Love Mola Pair
This is a very beautiful and humorous pair of molas that show a male
and a female fish courting! The fish are swimming in a lovely geometric
design and they are a wonderful example of the sense of humor that is
characteristic of the Kuna women.
They are excellently made in the reverse applique technique. The top
layer is black and the bottom is pink. Between the layers the Kuna artist
used a maroon fabric in the obogaled method - which is a very difficult
stitch where the fabric is turned under and sewn to the back panel. She
used lovely heart shaped applications on the female fish and U shaped
ones on the male fish to represent the fish's scales. She also added touches
of embroidery to enhance these great molas.
The molas are between 5 - 8 years old and in excellent condition.
No rips, stains or tears.
Dimensions: 16" x 13"
